Using the t.test() function

library(car)          # Companion for Applied Regression (and ANOVA)

4.1 Exploratory Data Analysis: i.e. the eyeball method

Do the two groups, treatment and control, have different oral conditions at initial observation? What about four weeks later?

Judge any difference in centers (means) within the context of the within group spread (stadard deviation/variance)

4.1.1 Means and SDs

cancer_clean %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(trt) %>% 
  furniture::table1(totalcin, totalcw4,
                    na.rm = FALSE)

          Placebo    Aloe Juice
          n = 14     n = 11    
          6.6 (0.9)  6.5 (2.1) 
          10.1 (3.6) 10.6 (3.5)

4.1.2 Stacked Histograms Baseline Oral Condition

cancer_clean %>% 
  ggplot(aes(totalcin)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 10) +
  facet_grid(trt ~ .) Four Weeks Oral Condition

cancer_clean %>% 
  ggplot(aes(totalcw4)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 10) +
  facet_grid(trt ~ .)

4.1.3 Side-by-Side Boxplots Baseline Oral Condition

cancer_clean %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = trt,
             y = totalcin)) +
  geom_boxplot() Four Weeks Oral Condition

cancer_clean %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = trt,
             y = totalcw4)) +

4.2 Assumptions

4.2.1 Independence

BOTH Samples were drawn INDEPENDENTLY at random (at least as representative as possible)

  • Nothing can be done to fix NON-representative samples!
  • Can not for with any statistically test
  • If idenpendence is violated, you may want to use a paired-samples t-test

4.2.2 Normality

A variable is said to follow the normal distribution if it resembles the normal curve. Specifically it is symetrical, unimodal, and bell shaped.

The continuous variable has a NORMAL distribution in BOTH populations

  • Not as important if the sample is large (Central Limit Theorem)
  • IF the sample is far from normal &/or small, might want to use a different method

Options to judging normality:

  1. Visualization of each sample’s distribution
    • Stacked histograms, but is sensitive to binning choices (number or width)
    • Side-by-side boxplots, shows median instead of mean as central line
    • Seperate QQ plots (straight \(45^\circ\) line), but is sensitive to outliers!
  2. Calculate Skewness and Kurtosis, within each group
    • Divided each value by its standard error (SE)
    • A result \(\gt \pm 2\) indicates issues
  3. Formal Inferencial Tests for Normality, on each group
    • Null-hypothesis: population is normally distributed
    • A \(p \lt .05\) ???indicate snon-normality
    • For smaller samples, use Shapiro-Wilk’s Test
    • For larger samples, use Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s Test Baseline Oral Condition

cancer_clean %>% 
  ggplot(aes(sample = totalcin)) +   # make sure to include "sample = "
  geom_qq() +                        # layer on the dots
  stat_qq_line() +                   # layer on the line
  facet_grid(. ~ trt)                # panel by group

cancer_clean %>% 
  dplyr::filter(trt == "Placebo") %>%   # select one group
  dplyr::pull(totalcin) %>%             # extract the continuous variable
  shapiro.test()                        # test for normality

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  .
W = 0.6807, p-value = 0.0002349
cancer_clean %>% 
  dplyr::filter(trt == "Aloe Juice") %>%    # select one group
  dplyr::pull(totalcin) %>%                 # extract the continuous variable
  shapiro.test()                            # test for normality

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  .
W = 0.78534, p-value = 0.006034

Shapiro-Wilk’s tests yield evidence that baseline oral condition is NOT normally distributed in the placebo group, W = .681, p <.001, nor the treatment group, W = .785, p = .006. Visual inspection suggests that violatioins may by more extreme in the placebo group. Four Weeks Oral Condition

cancer_clean %>% 
  ggplot(aes(sample = totalcw4)) +   # make sure to include "sample = "
  geom_qq() +                        # layer on the dots
  stat_qq_line() +                   # layer on the line
  facet_grid(. ~ trt)                # panel by group

cancer_clean %>% 
  dplyr::filter(trt == "Placebo") %>%   # select one group
  dplyr::pull(totalcw4) %>%             # extract the continuous variable
  shapiro.test()                        # test for normality

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  .
W = 0.88272, p-value = 0.06356
cancer_clean %>% 
  dplyr::filter(trt == "Aloe Juice") %>%    # select one group
  dplyr::pull(totalcw4) %>%                 # extract the continuous variable
  shapiro.test()                            # test for normality

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  .
W = 0.92906, p-value = 0.4014

Shapiro-Wilk’s tests yielded no evidence that oral condition is NOT normally distributed four weeks after baseline in the placebo group, \(W = .883, p = .064\), and the treatment group, \(W = .929, p = .401\).

4.2.3 HOV

Two Populations exhibit Homogeneity of Variance (HOV), i.e. have about the same amount of spread

Before performing the \(t\) test, check to see if the assumption of homogeneity of variance is met using Levene’s Test. For a independent samples t-test for means, the groups need to have the same amount of spread (SD) in the measure of interest.

Use the car:leveneTest() function tests the HOV assumtion.

Inside the funtion you need to specify at least three options (sepearated by commas):

  • the formula: continuous_var ~ grouping_var (replace with your variable names)
  • the dataset: data = . to pipe it from above
  • the center: center = “mean” since we are comparing means Baseline Oral Condition

Do the participants in the treatment and control groups have the same spread in oral condition at BASELINE?

cancer_clean %>% 
  car::leveneTest(totalcin ~ trt,    # formula: continuous_var ~ grouping_var
                  data = .,          # pipe in the dataset
                  center = "mean")   # The default is "median"
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = "mean")
      Df F value Pr(>F)
group  1  2.2103 0.1507

No violations of homogeneity were detected, \(F(1, 23) = 2.210, p = .151\). Four Weeks Oral Condition

Do the participants in the treatment and control groups have the same spread in oral condition at the FOURTH WEEK?

cancer_clean %>% 
  car::leveneTest(totalcw4 ~ trt,    # formula: continuous_var ~ grouping_var
                  data = .,          # pipe in the dataset
                  center = "mean")   # The default is "median"
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = "mean")
      Df F value Pr(>F)
group  1       0  0.995

No violations of homogeneity were detected, \(F(1, 23) = 0, p = .995\).

4.3 Inference

Formal Statistical Test: t-Test for Difference in Independent Group Means

Use the same t.test() funtion we have used for a single sample, but speficy a few more options.

Inside the funtion you need to specify at least three options (sepearated by commas):

  • the formula: continuous_var ~ grouping_var (replace with your variable names)
  • the dataset: data = . to pipe it from above

You MAY need/want to specify some or all of the following options you may way to leave as the default or override:

  • HOV assumed:
    • var.equal = FALSE Default Seperate-Variance test using Welch’s df
    • var.equal = TRUE Pooled-Variance test (if HOV is NOT violated)
  • Number of tails:
    • alternative = “two.sided” Default Allows for a 2-sided alternative
    • alternative = “less” Only Allows: group 1 < group 2
    • alternative = “greater” Only Allows: group 1 > group 2
  • Independent vs. paired:
    • paired = FALSE Default Conducts an INDEOENDENT groups t-Test
    • paired = TRUE Conducts a PAIRED meausres t-Test
  • Confidence level:
    • conf.level = 0.95 Default Computes the 95% confidence inverval
    • conf.level = 0.90 Changes to a 90% confidence interval

4.3.1 Pooled Variance Test

Use when there are no violations of HOV Baseline Oral Condition

Do the participants in the treatment group have a different average oral condition at BASELINE, compared to the control group?

# Minimal syntax
cancer_clean %>% 
  t.test(totalcin ~ trt,   # formula: continuous_var ~ grouping_var
         data = .,         # pipe in the dataset
         var.equal = TRUE) # HOV was violated (option = TRUE)

    Two Sample t-test

data:  totalcin by trt
t = 0.18566, df = 23, p-value = 0.8543
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Placebo and group Aloe Juice is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -1.185479  1.419245
sample estimates:
   mean in group Placebo mean in group Aloe Juice 
                6.571429                 6.454545 

No evidence of a differnece in mean oral condition at baseline, \(t(23) = 0.186, p = .854\). Note: this test may be unreliable due to the non-normality of the samll samples. Four Weeks Oral Condition

Do the participants in the treatment group have a different average oral condition at the FOURTH WEEK, compared to the control group?

# Fully specified function
cancer_clean %>% 
  t.test(totalcw4 ~ trt,             # formula: continuous_var ~ grouping_var
         data = .,                   # pipe in the dataset
         var.equal = TRUE,           # default: HOV was violated (option = TRUE)
         alternative = "two.sided",  # default: 2 sided (options = "less", "greater")
         paired = FALSE,             # default: independent (option = TRUE)
         conf.level = .95)           # default: 95% (option = .9, .90, ect.)

    Two Sample t-test

data:  totalcw4 by trt
t = -0.34598, df = 23, p-value = 0.7325
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Placebo and group Aloe Juice is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -3.444215  2.457202
sample estimates:
   mean in group Placebo mean in group Aloe Juice 
                10.14286                 10.63636 

No evidence of a differnece in mean oral condition at the fourth week, \(t(23) = -0.350, p = .733\).

4.3.2 Seperate Variance Test

Use if there are violations of HOV or the samples are difference sizes