8 Boxplots
Using the ggplot2::geom_boxplot()
For boxplots, you must specify the variable of interest within the aesthetics as the y
variable: ggplot(aes(y = continuous_var))
before adding the geom_boxplot()
layer (Wickham et al. 2019).
Reminder: Steps BEFORE the
are combined with pipes%>%
, whereas layers of the plot are combined with the addition symbol+
8.1 Single continuous variable
If you only want to produce a single boxplot, then the aesthetics must include some quoted text as the x
8.2 Single Box -for- a Subset
8.2.1 One Requirement
Where as the dplyr::select()
function specifies which VARIABLES to reduce down to, the dplyr::filter()
function specifies which ROWS or PARTICIPANTS to reduce down to.
When using a
step, make sure to change thex = "text"
, too.
cancer_clean %>%
dplyr::filter(weighin < 172) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = "Weigh At Baseline < 172",
y = weighin)) +
8.2.2 Two Requirements
When testing for a match to a value (for equality) use ==
instead of =
in the dplyr::filter()
Use the &
symbol to require multiple conditions for the subset, but only include one quoted text phrase for x
cancer_clean %>%
dplyr::filter(weighin >= 150 & trt == "Placebo") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = "Placebo and at least 150 Pounds",
y = weighin)) +
8.2.3 A Requirement Specified with a List
A helpful symbol-set is %in%
, which tests if the thing before it is included in the list of elements that comes after it.
cancer_clean %>%
dplyr::filter(trt == "Aloe Juice" & stage %in% c(2, 3, 4)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = "On Aloe Juice and Stage 2-4",
y = weighin)) +
8.3 Multiple Boxes -by- a Factor
There are three ways to included a categorical variable to break the sample into groups. You may specify the factor with:
the variable is denoted with different colors filling the boxesx
the horizontal axis is marked for all levelsfacet_grid()
a panel is create for each level
8.3.1 Use fill = var_name
8.3.3 Use facet_grid(. ~ var_name)
8.4 Multiple Boxes -by- 2 Factors
You may combine any of the three previous specification, one per categorical (factor
) variable.
8.4.1 Use fill = var_name_1
and x = var_name_2
8.4.2 Use x = var_name_1
and facet_grid(. ~ var_name_2)
8.4.3 Use fill = var_name_1
and facet_grid(. ~ var_name_2)
cancer_clean %>%
ggplot(aes(x = "Full Sample",
y = weighin,
fill = trt)) +
geom_boxplot() +
facet_grid(. ~ stage)
8.5 Multiple Boxes -for- a Subset AND -by- 2 Factors
The layers maybe combined to create more complicated plots.
Here is a plot for only participants who were in stage 1, 2, or 4 (n > 1 per stage), and compares the final oral condition for each stage between participants receiving the Aloe treatment vs. the placebo.
cancer_clean %>%
dplyr::filter(stage %in% c("1", "2", "4")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = stage,
y = totalcw6,
fill = trt)) +
8.6 Multiple Boxes -for- Repeated Measurements
The ordinal data is in what is called “WIDE” format, with the repeated measurements as separate variables, sitting side-by-side. Each participant’s data is contained in a single line (25 lines here).
To sort a dataset, use the
function and include the variable or variables you wish to sort by in the parentheses.
# A tibble: 25 x 5
id totalcin totalcw2 totalcw4 totalcw6
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 6 6 6 7
2 2 7 16 9 10
3 5 9 6 10 9
4 6 7 9 17 19
5 9 6 7 9 3
6 11 6 7 16 13
7 12 6 10 11 9
8 14 4 6 8 7
9 15 6 6 6 11
10 16 6 11 11 14
# ... with 15 more rows
Some data manipulations is needed to “stack” the repeated measurement variables (baseline, week 2, week 4, week 6) into a single variable we will call value
. We also need another new variable that denotes the measurement time, which we will call time
. The resulting dataset is said to be in “LONG” format. Now there will be one line for each observation time on each participant (4 x 25 = 100 lines here).
This is done with with the tidyr::gather(key = "new_time_var", value = "new_value_var", old_var_1, old_var_2, ...)
Ignore the message that says “attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be dropped”.
cancer_clean %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "time",
value = "value",
totalcin, totalcw2, totalcw4, totalcw6) %>%
dplyr::arrange(id, time) %>%
dplyr::select(id, time, value)
# A tibble: 100 x 3
id time value
<fct> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 totalcin 6
2 1 totalcw2 6
3 1 totalcw4 6
4 1 totalcw6 7
5 2 totalcin 7
6 2 totalcw2 16
7 2 totalcw4 9
8 2 totalcw6 10
9 5 totalcin 9
10 5 totalcw2 6
# ... with 90 more rows
Once the data is in this format, you can create box plots for each time point.
Ignore the additional message that says “Removed 2 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot)”. This is just alerting you to the fact that two people are missing their week 6 oral condiditon values.
cancer_clean %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "time",
value = "value",
totalcin, totalcw2, totalcw4, totalcw6) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time,
y = value)) +
8.6.1 Multiple Boxes -for- Repeated Measurements AND -by- a Factor
cancer_clean %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "time",
value = "value",
totalcin, totalcw2, totalcw4, totalcw6) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time,
y = value,
fill = trt)) +
cancer_clean %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "time",
value = "value",
totalcin, totalcw2, totalcw4, totalcw6) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time,
y = value)) +
geom_boxplot() +
facet_grid(. ~ trt)