6 MLM, 3 levels: Nurse’s Stress Intervention

library(tidyverse)    # basically everything ;)
library(haven)        # read in SPSS dataset
library(furniture)    # nice table1() descriptives
library(stargazer)    # display nice tables: summary & regression
library(texreg)       # Convert Regression Output to LaTeX or HTML Tables
library(psych)        # contains some useful functions, like headTail
library(car)          # Companion to Applied Regression
library(lme4)         # Linear, generalized linear, & nonlinear mixed models
library(lmerTest)     # Tests on lmer objects
library(performance)  # ICC calculations
library(interactions) # plotting interactions
library(effects)      # Effects for regression models
library(optimx)       # Different optimizers to solve mlm's

6.1 Background

The following example is used through out Hox, Moerbeek, and Van de Schoot (2017)’s chapater 2.

From Appendix E:

The nurses.sav file contains three-level simulated data from a hypothetical study on stress in hospitals. The data are from nurses working in wards nested within hospitals. It is a cluster-randomized experiment. In each of 25 hospitals, four wards are selected and randomly assigned to an experimental and a control condition. In the experimental condition, a training program is offered to all nurses to cope with job-related stress. After the program is completed, a sample of about 10 nurses from each ward is given a test that measures job-related stress. Additional variables (covariates) are: nurse age (years), nurse experience (years), nurse gender (0=male, 1 = female), type of ward (0=general care, 1=special care), and hospital size (0=small, 1 = medium, 2=large). The data have been generated to illustrate three-level analysis with a random slope for the effect of the intervention.

Here the data is read in and the SPSS variables with labels are converted to \(R\) factors.

data_raw <- haven::read_spss("https://github.com/MultiLevelAnalysis/Datasets-third-edition-Multilevel-book/raw/master/chapter%202/Nurses/SPSS/Nurses.sav") %>% 
  haven::as_factor()             # retain the labels from SPSS --> factor

6.1.1 Unique Identifiers

All standardized (starts with “Z”) and mean centered (starts with “C”) variables will be remove so that their creation may be shown later. A new indicator varible for nurses with be created by combining the hospital, ward, and nurse indicators. Having a unique, distinct identifier variable for each of the units on lower (Level 1 and 2) levels is helpful for multilevel anlayses.

data_nurse <- data_raw %>%
  dplyr::mutate(genderF = factor(gender, 
                                 labels = c("Male", "Female"))) %>% # apply factor labels
  dplyr::mutate(id = paste(hospital, ward, nurse,
                           sep = "_") %>%                                   # unique id for each nurse
                  factor()) %>%                                             # declare id is a factor
  dplyr::mutate_at(vars(hospital, ward, 
                        wardid, nurse), factor) %>%                         # declare to be factors
  dplyr::mutate(age = age %>% as.character %>% as.numeric) %>%              # declare to be numeric
  dplyr::select(id, wardid, nurse, ward, hospital,
                age, gender, genderF, experien, 
                wardtype, hospsize,
                expcon, stress)                                             # reduce variables included

Rows: 1,000
Columns: 13
$ id       <fct> 1_1_1, 1_1_2, 1_1_3, 1_1_4, 1_1_5, 1_1_6, 1_1_7, 1_1_8, 1_1_9…
$ wardid   <fct> 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 1…
$ nurse    <fct> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18…
$ ward     <fct> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3…
$ hospital <fct> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…
$ age      <dbl> 36, 45, 32, 57, 46, 60, 23, 32, 60, 45, 57, 47, 32, 42, 42, 5…
$ gender   <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1…
$ genderF  <fct> Male, Male, Male, Female, Female, Female, Female, Female, Mal…
$ experien <dbl> 11, 20, 7, 25, 22, 22, 13, 13, 17, 21, 24, 24, 14, 13, 17, 20…
$ wardtype <fct> general care, general care, general care, general care, gener…
$ hospsize <fct> large, large, large, large, large, large, large, large, large…
$ expcon   <fct> experiment, experiment, experiment, experiment, experiment, e…
$ stress   <dbl> 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 4…

6.1.2 Centering Variables

When variables are involved in an interaction, it may be advantageous to center the variables. Hox, Moerbeek, and Van de Schoot (2017) covers this in chapter 4.

To center categorical variables:
1. Convert then to integers, starting with zero: \(0, 1, \dots\)
2. Subtract the mean

data_nurse %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(expconN    = as.numeric(expcon)   - 1) %>%  # Numeric Version of experimental condition
  dplyr::mutate(hospsizeN  = as.numeric(hospsize) - 1) %>%  # Numeric Version of hospital size
  dplyr::select(expcon, expconN, hospsize, hospsizeN) %>% 
        expcon       expconN        hospsize     hospsizeN    
 control   :496   Min.   :0.000   small :374   Min.   :0.000  
 experiment:504   1st Qu.:0.000   medium:476   1st Qu.:0.000  
                  Median :1.000   large :150   Median :1.000  
                  Mean   :0.504                Mean   :0.776  
                  3rd Qu.:1.000                3rd Qu.:1.000  
                  Max.   :1.000                Max.   :2.000  
data_nurse <- data_nurse %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(expconN    = as.numeric(expcon)   - 1) %>%  # Numeric Version of experimental condition
  dplyr::mutate(hospsizeN  = as.numeric(hospsize) - 1) %>%  # Numeric Version of hospital size
  dplyr::mutate(expconNG   = expconN   - 0.504) %>%         # Grand-Mean Centered version of experimental condition
  dplyr::mutate(hospsizeNG = hospsizeN - 0.776)             # Grand-Mean Centered version of ehospital size
data_nurse %>% 
  dplyr::select(expcon, expconNG) %>% 
expcon       -0.504 0.496
  control       496     0
  experiment      0   504
data_nurse %>% 
  dplyr::select(hospsize, hospsizeNG) %>% 
hospsize -0.776 0.224 1.224
  small     374     0     0
  medium      0   476     0
  large       0     0   150

6.2 Exploratory Data Analysis

6.2.1 Summarize Descriptive Statistics The stargazer package

Most posters, journal articles, and reports start with a table of descriptive statistics. Since it tends to come first, this type of table is often refered to as Table 1. The stargazer() function can be used to create such a table, but only for the entire dataset (Hlavac 2022). I haven’t been able to find a way to get it to summarize subsamples and compare them in the standard format.

# Knit to Website: type = "html" 
# Knit to PDF:     type = "latex"
# View on Screen:  type = "text"

data_nurse %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  stargazer::stargazer(title  = "Descriptive statistics, aggregate over entire sample",
                       header = FALSE,
                       type = "text")
Descriptive statistics, aggregate over entire sample
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
age 1,000 43.005 12.042 23 64
gender 1,000 0.735 0.442 0 1
experien 1,000 17.057 6.042 1 38
stress 1,000 4.977 0.980 1 7
expconN 1,000 0.504 0.500 0 1
hospsizeN 1,000 0.776 0.689 0 2
expconNG 1,000 -0.000 0.500 -0.504 0.496
hospsizeNG 1,000 -0.000 0.689 -0.776 1.224 The furniture package

Tyson Barrett’s furniture package includes the extremely useful function table1() which simplifies the common task of creating a stratified, comparative table of descriptive statistics. Full documentation can be accessed by executing ?furniture::table1.

# Knit to Website: output = "html" 
# Knit to PDF:     output = "latex2"
# View on Screen:  output = ""text", or "markdown", "html"

data_nurse %>% 
  furniture::table1(age, genderF, experien, wardtype, hospsize, hospsizeN, hospsizeNG,
                    splitby    = ~ expcon,                                              # var to divide sample by
                    test       = TRUE,                                                  # test groups different?
                    type       = "full",                                                # give the test statistic
                    output     = "text",                                                # output for html
                    caption    = "Compare Intervention groups on five main variables")  # title
Table 6.1: Compare Intervention groups on five main variables
control experiment Test P-Value
n = 496 n = 504
age T-Test: 0.82 0.411
43.3 (11.6) 42.7 (12.5)
genderF Chi Square: 0.19 0.661
Male 135 (27.2%) 130 (25.8%)
Female 361 (72.8%) 374 (74.2%)
experien T-Test: 0.69 0.492
17.2 (5.8) 16.9 (6.3)
wardtype Chi Square: 0 1
general care 247 (49.8%) 252 (50%)
special care 249 (50.2%) 252 (50%)
hospsize Chi Square: 0.01 0.993
small 185 (37.3%) 189 (37.5%)
medium 237 (47.8%) 239 (47.4%)
large 74 (14.9%) 76 (15.1%)
hospsizeN T-Test: 0.01 0.992
0.8 (0.7) 0.8 (0.7)
hospsizeNG T-Test: 0.01 0.992
0.0 (0.7) -0.0 (0.7)

The t-test performed by the furniture::table1() function will always assume indepent groups and that HOV is not violated. This may or may not be appropriate.

6.3 MLM: Null Model

In a Null, intercept-only, or Empty model, no predictors are included. Fit the Model

Fit the model to the data, with both ML and REML.

nurse_lmer_0_re <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ 1 +              # Fixed Intercept for all nurses
                                    (1|hospital/ward),      # Random Intercepts for wards within hospitals
                                  data = data_nurse,
                                  REML = TRUE)              # fit via REML (the default) for ICC calculations

nurse_lmer_0_ml <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ 1 +              # Fixed Intercept for all nurses
                                    (1|hospital/ward),      # Random Intercepts for wards within hospitals 
                                  data = data_nurse,
                                  REML = FALSE)             # fit via ML for comparing FIXED effects inclusion
                custom.model.names = c("M0: Null, ML", 
                                       "M0: Null, REML"),
                caption            = "NULL Model: different estimation methods",
                caption.above      = TRUE,
                single.row         = TRUE)
NULL Model: different estimation methods
  M0: Null, ML M0: Null, REML
(Intercept) 5.00 (0.11)*** 5.00 (0.11)***
AIC 1950.36 1952.95
BIC 1969.99 1972.58
Log Likelihood -971.18 -972.48
Num. obs. 1000 1000
Num. groups: ward:hospital 100 100
Num. groups: hospital 25 25
Var: ward:hospital (Intercept) 0.49 0.49
Var: hospital (Intercept) 0.16 0.17
Var: Residual 0.30 0.30
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

6.4 Estimate the ICC

The ICC is calculated by dividing the between-group-variance (random intercept variance) by the total variance (i.e. sum of between-group-variance and within-group (residual) variance).

 Groups        Name        Std.Dev.
 ward:hospital (Intercept) 0.69916 
 hospital      (Intercept) 0.41749 
 Residual                  0.54887 
lme4::VarCorr(nurse_lmer_0_re) %>% 
  print(comp = c("Variance", "Std.Dev"),
        digits = 3)
 Groups        Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ward:hospital (Intercept) 0.489    0.699   
 hospital      (Intercept) 0.174    0.417   
 Residual                  0.301    0.549   
vc <- lme4::VarCorr(nurse_lmer_0_re) %>% 

pie(x = vc$vcov,
    labels = vc$grp)

The performance package has a few really helpful funcitons:

 Groups        Name        Std.Dev.
 ward:hospital (Intercept) 0.69916 
 hospital      (Intercept) 0.41749 
 Residual                  0.54887 
[1] 0

[1] 0.6631239

[1] 0.3012569

[1] 0.3012569

[1] 0

ward:hospital      hospital 
    0.4888231     0.1743008 

\[ \begin{align*} \text{hospitals} \rightarrow \; & \sigma^2_{v0} = 0.417^2 = 0.174\\ \text{wards within hospitals} \rightarrow \; & \sigma^2_{u0} = 0.699^2 = 0.489\\ \text{nurses within wards within hospitals} \rightarrow \; & \sigma^2_{e} = 0.549^2 = 0.301\\ \end{align*} \]

Intraclass Correlation (ICC) Formula, 3 level model - Davis and Scott Method \[ \overbrace{\rho_{mid}}^{\text{ICC}\atop\text{at level 2}} = \frac{\overbrace{\sigma^2_{u0}}^{\text{Random Intercept}\atop\text{Variance Level 2}}} {\underbrace{\sigma^2_{v0}+\sigma^2_{u0}+\sigma^2_{e}}_{\text{Total}\atop\text{Variance}}} \tag{Hox 2.16} \] \[ \overbrace{\rho_{top}}^{\text{ICC}\atop\text{ at level 3}} = \frac{\overbrace{\sigma^2_{v0}}^{\text{Random Intercept}\atop\text{Variance Level 3}}} {\underbrace{\sigma^2_{v0}+\sigma^2_{u0}+\sigma^2_{e}}_{\text{Total}\atop\text{Variance}}} \tag{Hox 2.17} \]

0.489 / (0.174 + 0.489 + 0.301) # middle level (wards)
[1] 0.5072614
0.174 / (0.174 + 0.489 + 0.301) # top level (hospitals)
[1] 0.1804979

For more than two levels, the ‘performance::icc()’ function computes ICC’s by the Davis and Scott method.

# Intraclass Correlation Coefficient

    Adjusted ICC: 0.688
  Unadjusted ICC: 0.688
performance::icc(nurse_lmer_0_re, by_group = TRUE)
# ICC by Group

Group         |   ICC
ward:hospital | 0.507
hospital      | 0.181

The proportion of variance in nurse stress level is 0.51 at the ward level and 0.18 at the hospital level, for a total of 0.69.

To test if the three level model is justified statistically, compare the null models with and without the nesting of wards in hospitals.

nurse_lmer_0_re_2level <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ 1 + (1|wardid),  # each hospital contains several wards
                                         data = data_nurse,
                                         REML = TRUE)              # fit via REML (the default) for ICC calculations
                custom.model.names = c("2 levels", 
                                       "3 levels"),
                caption            = "MLM: Two or Three Levels?",
                caption.above      = TRUE,
                single.row         = TRUE)
MLM: Two or Three Levels?
  2 levels 3 levels
(Intercept) 5.00 (0.08)*** 5.00 (0.11)***
AIC 1958.43 1952.95
BIC 1973.15 1972.58
Log Likelihood -976.21 -972.48
Num. obs. 1000 1000
Num. groups: wardid 100  
Var: wardid (Intercept) 0.66  
Var: Residual 0.30 0.30
Num. groups: ward:hospital   100
Num. groups: hospital   25
Var: ward:hospital (Intercept)   0.49
Var: hospital (Intercept)   0.17
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

The deviance test or likelihood-ratio test shows that the inclusion of the nesting of wards within hospitals better explains the variance in nurse stress levels.

anova(nurse_lmer_0_re, nurse_lmer_0_re_2level, 
      refit = FALSE)
Data: data_nurse
nurse_lmer_0_re_2level: stress ~ 1 + (1 | wardid)
nurse_lmer_0_re: stress ~ 1 + (1 | hospital/ward)
                       npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
nurse_lmer_0_re_2level    3 1958.4 1973.2 -976.21   1952.4                     
nurse_lmer_0_re           4 1953.0 1972.6 -972.48   1945.0 7.4738  1    0.00626
nurse_lmer_0_re        **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

6.5 MLM: Add Fixed Effects

6.5.1 Fit the Model

Hox, Moerbeek, and Van de Schoot (2017), page 22:

“In this example, the variable expcon is of main interest, and the other variables are covariates. Their funciton is to control for differences between the groups, which can occur even if randomization is used, especially with small samples, and to explain variance in the outcome variable stress. To the extent that these variables successfully explain the variance, the power of the test for the effect of expcon will be increased.”

nurse_lmer_1_ml <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ expcon +             # experimental condition = CATEGORICAL FACTOR
                                    age + gender + experien +   # level 1 covariates
                                    wardtype +                  # level 2 covariates
                                    hospsize +                  # level 3 covariates, hospital size = CATEGORICAL FACTOR 
                                    (1|hospital/ward),          # Random Intercepts for wards within hospitals
                                  data = data_nurse,
                                  REML = FALSE)                 # fit via ML for nested FIXED effects
                custom.model.names = c("M0: null", 
                                       "M1: fixed pred"),
                caption            = "Nested Models: Fixed effects via ML",
                caption.above      = TRUE,
                single.row         = TRUE)
Nested Models: Fixed effects via ML
  M0: null M1: fixed pred
(Intercept) 5.00 (0.11)*** 5.38 (0.18)***
expconexperiment   -0.70 (0.12)***
age   0.02 (0.00)***
gender   -0.45 (0.03)***
experien   -0.06 (0.00)***
wardtypespecial care   0.05 (0.12)
hospsizemedium   0.49 (0.19)**
hospsizelarge   0.90 (0.26)***
AIC 1950.36 1626.32
BIC 1969.99 1680.30
Log Likelihood -971.18 -802.16
Num. obs. 1000 1000
Num. groups: ward:hospital 100 100
Num. groups: hospital 25 25
Var: ward:hospital (Intercept) 0.49 0.33
Var: hospital (Intercept) 0.16 0.10
Var: Residual 0.30 0.22
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

6.5.2 Assess Significance

anova(nurse_lmer_0_ml, nurse_lmer_1_ml)
Data: data_nurse
nurse_lmer_0_ml: stress ~ 1 + (1 | hospital/ward)
nurse_lmer_1_ml: stress ~ expcon + age + gender + experien + wardtype + hospsize + (1 | hospital/ward)
                npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)    
nurse_lmer_0_ml    4 1950.4 1970.0 -971.18   1942.4                         
nurse_lmer_1_ml   11 1626.3 1680.3 -802.16   1604.3 338.04  7  < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

It is clear that the inclusing of these fixed, main effects improves the model’s fit, but it is questionable that the type of ward is significant (Wald test is non-significant). Rather than test it directly, we will leave it in the model. This is common practice to show that an expected variable is not significant.

6.5.3 Centering Variables

Because we will will find that the experimental condition is moderated by hospital size (in other words there is a significant interaction between expcon and hospsize), Hox, Moerbeek, and Van de Schoot (2017) presents the models fit with centered values for these two variables. Let us see how this changes the model.

(1) Experimental Condition

Experimental conditon is a BINARY or two-level factor.

  • When it is alternatively coded as a numeric, continuous variable taking the values of zero (\(0\)) for the reference category and one (\(1\)) for the other category, the model estimates are exactly the same, including the paramters for the variables and the intercept, AND the model fit statistics.

  • When the numeric, continuous variable is further grand-mean centered by additionally subtraction the MEAN of the numberic version, the value of the intercept is the only estimate that changes.

nurse_lmer_1a_ml <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ expconN +            # experimental condition = CONTINUOUS CODED 0/1
                                     age + gender + experien +   
                                     wardtype +                  
                                     hospsize +                 # hospital size = CATEGORICAL FACTOR         
                                   data = data_nurse,
                                   REML = FALSE)                  

nurse_lmer_1b_ml <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ expconNG +           # experimental condition = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED
                                     age + gender + experien +   
                                     wardtype +                  
                                     hospsize +                  # hospital size = CATEGORICAL FACTOR                 
                                   data = data_nurse,
                                   REML = FALSE)                  
                custom.model.names = c("Factor", 
                                       "0 vs 1", 
                caption            = "MLM: Model 1 - Expereimental Condiditon Coding (2-levels)",
                caption.above      = TRUE,
                single.row         = TRUE)
MLM: Model 1 - Expereimental Condiditon Coding (2-levels)
  Factor 0 vs 1 Centered
(Intercept) 5.38 (0.18)*** 5.38 (0.18)*** 5.03 (0.17)***
expconexperiment -0.70 (0.12)***    
age 0.02 (0.00)*** 0.02 (0.00)*** 0.02 (0.00)***
gender -0.45 (0.03)*** -0.45 (0.03)*** -0.45 (0.03)***
experien -0.06 (0.00)*** -0.06 (0.00)*** -0.06 (0.00)***
wardtypespecial care 0.05 (0.12) 0.05 (0.12) 0.05 (0.12)
hospsizemedium 0.49 (0.19)** 0.49 (0.19)** 0.49 (0.19)**
hospsizelarge 0.90 (0.26)*** 0.90 (0.26)*** 0.90 (0.26)***
expconN   -0.70 (0.12)***  
expconNG     -0.70 (0.12)***
AIC 1626.32 1626.32 1626.32
BIC 1680.30 1680.30 1680.30
Log Likelihood -802.16 -802.16 -802.16
Num. obs. 1000 1000 1000
Num. groups: ward:hospital 100 100 100
Num. groups: hospital 25 25 25
Var: ward:hospital (Intercept) 0.33 0.33 0.33
Var: hospital (Intercept) 0.10 0.10 0.10
Var: Residual 0.22 0.22 0.22
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

(2) Hospital Size

Experimental conditon is a three-level factor.

  • When it is alternatively coded as a numeric, continuous variables taking the values of whole numbers, starting with zero (\(0, 1, 2, \dots\)), the model there will only be ONE parameter estimated instead of several (one less than the number of categories). This is becuase the levels are treated as being equally different from each other in terms of the outcome. This treats the effect of the categorical variable as if it is linear, which may or may not be appropriate. User beware!

  • When the numeric, continuous variable is further grand-mean centered by additionally subtraction the MEAN of the numberic version, the value of the intercept is the only estimate that changes.

nurse_lmer_1c_ml <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ expconNG +           # experimental condition = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED
                                     age + gender + experien +   
                                     wardtype +                  
                                     hospsizeN +                 # hospital size = CONTINUOUS CODED 0/1          
                                   data = data_nurse,
                                   REML = FALSE)   

nurse_lmer_1d_ml <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ expconNG +           # experimental condition = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED
                                     age + gender + experien +   
                                     wardtype +                  
                                     hospsizeNG +                # hospital size = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED           
                                   data = data_nurse,
                                   REML = FALSE)
                custom.model.names = c("Factor", 
                                       "0 vs 1", 
                caption            = "MLM: Model 1 - Hospital Coding (3-levels)",
                caption.above      = TRUE,
                single.row         = TRUE)
MLM: Model 1 - Hospital Coding (3-levels)
  Factor 0 vs 1 Centered
(Intercept) 5.03 (0.17)*** 5.04 (0.16)*** 5.40 (0.12)***
expconNG -0.70 (0.12)*** -0.70 (0.12)*** -0.70 (0.12)***
age 0.02 (0.00)*** 0.02 (0.00)*** 0.02 (0.00)***
gender -0.45 (0.03)*** -0.45 (0.03)*** -0.45 (0.03)***
experien -0.06 (0.00)*** -0.06 (0.00)*** -0.06 (0.00)***
wardtypespecial care 0.05 (0.12) 0.05 (0.12) 0.05 (0.12)
hospsizemedium 0.49 (0.19)**    
hospsizelarge 0.90 (0.26)***    
hospsizeN   0.46 (0.12)***  
hospsizeNG     0.46 (0.12)***
AIC 1626.32 1624.36 1624.36
BIC 1680.30 1673.44 1673.44
Log Likelihood -802.16 -802.18 -802.18
Num. obs. 1000 1000 1000
Num. groups: ward:hospital 100 100 100
Num. groups: hospital 25 25 25
Var: ward:hospital (Intercept) 0.33 0.33 0.33
Var: hospital (Intercept) 0.10 0.10 0.10
Var: Residual 0.22 0.22 0.22
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

6.6 MLM: Add Random Slope

Hox, Moerbeek, and Van de Schoot (2017), page 22:

“Although logically we can test if explanatory variables at the first level have random coefficients (slopes) at the second or third level, and if explanatory variables at teh second level have random coefficients (slopes) at the third level, these possibilities are not pursued. We DO test a model with a random coefficient (slope) for expcon at the third level, where there turns out to be significant slope variation.”

6.6.1 Fit the Model

nurse_lmer_1d_re <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ expconNG +            # experimental condition = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED
                                     age + gender + experien +    # level 1 covariates
                                     wardtype +                   # level 2 covariate
                                     hospsizeNG +                 # level 3 covariate, hospital size = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED           
                                     (1|hospital/ward),           # Random Intercepts for wards within hospitals
                                   data = data_nurse, 
                                   REML = TRUE)                   # fit via REML for nested Random Effects

nurse_lmer_2_re <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ expconNG +             # experimental condition = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED
                                    age + gender + experien +     # level 1 covariates
                                    wardtype +                    # level 2 covariate
                                    hospsizeNG +                  # level 3 covariate, hospital size = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED           
                                    (1|hospital/ward) +           # Random Intercepts for wards within hospitals
                                    (0 + expconNG|hospital),      # RANDOM SLOPES for exp cond within hospital (does not vary witin a ward!)
                                  data = data_nurse,
                                  REML = TRUE)                    # fit via REML for nested Random Effects
                custom.model.names = c("M1: RI", 
                                       "M2: RIAS"),
                caption            = "Nested Models: Random Slope via REML",
                caption.above      = TRUE,
                single.row         = TRUE)
Nested Models: Random Slope via REML
  M1: RI M2: RIAS
(Intercept) 5.40 (0.12)*** 5.39 (0.11)***
expconNG -0.70 (0.12)*** -0.70 (0.18)***
age 0.02 (0.00)*** 0.02 (0.00)***
gender -0.45 (0.03)*** -0.45 (0.03)***
experien -0.06 (0.00)*** -0.06 (0.00)***
wardtypespecial care 0.05 (0.12) 0.05 (0.07)
hospsizeNG 0.46 (0.13)*** 0.46 (0.13)***
AIC 1659.89 1633.18
BIC 1708.97 1687.17
Log Likelihood -819.94 -805.59
Num. obs. 1000 1000
Num. groups: ward:hospital 100 100
Num. groups: hospital 25 25
Var: ward:hospital (Intercept) 0.34  
Var: hospital (Intercept) 0.11 0.17
Var: Residual 0.22 0.22
Var: ward.hospital (Intercept)   0.11
Var: hospital.1 expconNG   0.69
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

6.6.2 Assess Significance

anova(nurse_lmer_1d_re, nurse_lmer_2_re, refit = FALSE)
Data: data_nurse
nurse_lmer_1d_re: stress ~ expconNG + age + gender + experien + wardtype + hospsizeNG + (1 | hospital/ward)
nurse_lmer_2_re: stress ~ expconNG + age + gender + experien + wardtype + hospsizeNG + (1 | hospital/ward) + (0 + expconNG | hospital)
                 npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)    
nurse_lmer_1d_re   10 1659.9 1709.0 -819.94   1639.9                         
nurse_lmer_2_re    11 1633.2 1687.2 -805.59   1611.2 28.708  1  8.417e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The inclusion of a random slope effect for the experimental condition expcon significantly improves the models’s fit, thus is should be retained.

6.7 MLM: Add Cross-Level Interaction

Hox, Moerbeek, and Van de Schoot (2017), page 22:

“The varying slope can be predicted by adding a cross-level interaction between the variables expcon and hospsize. In view of this interaction, the variables expcon and hospsize have been centered on tehir overal means.”

6.7.1 Fit the Model

nurse_lmer_2_ml <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ expconNG +           # experimental condition = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED
                                    age + gender + experien +   # level 1 covariates
                                    wardtype +                  # level 2 covariate
                                    hospsizeNG +                # level 3 covariate, hospital size = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED           
                                    (1|hospital/ward) +         # Random Intercepts for wards within hospitals
                                    (0 + expconNG|hospital),    # RANDOM SLOPES for exp cond within hospital (does not vary witin a ward!) 
                                  data = data_nurse,
                                  REML = FALSE)                 # fit via ML for nested FIXED Effects

nurse_lmer_3_ml <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ expconNG +           # experimental condition = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED
                                    age + gender + experien +   # level 1 covariates
                                    wardtype +                  # level 2 covariate
                                    hospsizeNG +                # level 3 covariate, hospital size = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED   
                                    expconNG*hospsizeNG +       # CROSS-LEVEL interaction
                                    (1|hospital/ward) +         # Random Intercepts for wards within hospitals
                                    (0 + expconNG|hospital),    # RANDOM SLOPES for exp cond within hospital (does not vary within a ward!) 
                                  data = data_nurse,
                                  REML = FALSE)                 # fit via ML for nested FIXED Effects
                custom.model.names = c("M2: RAIS", 
                                       "M3: Xlevel Int"),
                caption            = "Nested Models: Fixed Cross-Level Interaction via ML",
                caption.above      = TRUE,
                single.row         = TRUE)
Nested Models: Fixed Cross-Level Interaction via ML
  M2: RAIS M3: Xlevel Int
(Intercept) 5.39 (0.11)*** 5.39 (0.11)***
expconNG -0.70 (0.18)*** -0.72 (0.11)***
age 0.02 (0.00)*** 0.02 (0.00)***
gender -0.46 (0.03)*** -0.46 (0.03)***
experien -0.06 (0.00)*** -0.06 (0.00)***
wardtypespecial care 0.05 (0.07) 0.05 (0.07)
hospsizeNG 0.46 (0.12)*** 0.46 (0.12)***
expconNG:hospsizeNG   1.00 (0.16)***
AIC 1597.48 1576.07
BIC 1651.47 1634.96
Log Likelihood -787.74 -776.03
Num. obs. 1000 1000
Num. groups: ward:hospital 100 100
Num. groups: hospital 25 25
Var: ward.hospital (Intercept) 0.11 0.11
Var: hospital (Intercept) 0.15 0.15
Var: hospital.1 expconNG 0.66 0.18
Var: Residual 0.22 0.22
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

6.7.2 Assess Significance

anova(nurse_lmer_2_ml, nurse_lmer_3_ml)
Data: data_nurse
nurse_lmer_2_ml: stress ~ expconNG + age + gender + experien + wardtype + hospsizeNG + (1 | hospital/ward) + (0 + expconNG | hospital)
nurse_lmer_3_ml: stress ~ expconNG + age + gender + experien + wardtype + hospsizeNG + expconNG * hospsizeNG + (1 | hospital/ward) + (0 + expconNG | hospital)
                npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)    
nurse_lmer_2_ml   11 1597.5 1651.5 -787.74   1575.5                         
nurse_lmer_3_ml   12 1576.1 1635.0 -776.03   1552.1 23.413  1  1.307e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

There is evidence that hospital size moderated the effect of the intervention. We will want to plot the estimated marginal means to interpret the meaning of this interaction.

6.8 Final Model

6.8.1 Fit the model

The final model should be fit via REML.
I’m going to revert back to the factor versions of hospital size and experimental condition, but grand-mean center age and experience

data_nurse %>% 
  dplyr::select(age, experien) %>%
# A tibble: 1 × 2
    age experien
  <dbl>    <dbl>
1  43.0     17.1
nurse_lmer_final <- lmerTest::lmer(stress ~ expcon +           # experimental condition = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED
                                     I(age - 43.01) + gender + I(experien - 17.06) +   # level 1 covariates
                                     wardtype +                  # level 2 covariate
                                     hospsize +                  # level 3 covariate, hospital size = CONTINUOUS GRAND-MEAN CENTERED   
                                     expcon*hospsize +       # CROSS-LEVEL interaction
                                     (1|hospital/ward) +         # Random Intercepts for wards within hospitals
                                     (0 + expconNG|hospital),    # RANDOM SLOPES for exp condition within hospital (does not vary within a ward!)  
                                   data = data_nurse,
                                   REML = TRUE)                                       # fit via REML for final model        

6.8.2 Table of Estimated Parameters

Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method
                    Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF  DenDF  F value    Pr(>F)    
expcon               3.532   3.532     1  22.04  16.2512 0.0005573 ***
I(age - 43.01)      22.400  22.400     1 909.68 103.0680 < 2.2e-16 ***
gender              36.949  36.949     1 914.46 170.0117 < 2.2e-16 ***
I(experien - 17.06) 41.656  41.656     1 918.66 191.6692 < 2.2e-16 ***
wardtype             0.115   0.115     1  49.10   0.5278 0.4709777    
hospsize             2.622   1.311     2  22.00   6.0321 0.0081539 ** 
expcon:hospsize      7.608   3.804     2  22.01  17.5040 2.822e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                custom.model.names = c("M3: Xlevel Int"),
                caption            = "Final Model: with REML",
                caption.above      = TRUE,
                single.row         = TRUE)
Final Model: with REML
  M3: Xlevel Int
(Intercept) 5.70 (0.19)***
expconexperiment -1.55 (0.20)***
age - 43.01 0.02 (0.00)***
gender -0.46 (0.03)***
experien - 17.06 -0.06 (0.00)***
wardtypespecial care 0.05 (0.07)
hospsizemedium -0.07 (0.24)
hospsizelarge -0.07 (0.33)
expconexperiment:hospsizemedium 1.12 (0.26)***
expconexperiment:hospsizelarge 1.94 (0.35)***
AIC 1617.76
BIC 1686.47
Log Likelihood -794.88
Num. obs. 1000
Num. groups: ward:hospital 100
Num. groups: hospital 25
Var: ward.hospital (Intercept) 0.11
Var: hospital (Intercept) 0.18
Var: hospital.1 expconNG 0.21
Var: Residual 0.22
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

Interpretation: After accounting for the a nurses’ age, gender, and experience, as well as the ward type, the effect of the intervention is moderated by hospital size, b = 1.96, SE = 0.35, p < .001,

6.8.3 Visualization: Estimated Marginal Means Plot

Although there are many variables in this model, only two are involved in any interaction(s). For this reason, we will choose to display the estimated marginal means across only experimental condition and hospital size. For this illustration, all other continuous predictors are taken to be at their mean and categorical predictors at their reference category. Using interactions::interact_plot()

All Defaults:

interactions::cat_plot(model = nurse_lmer_final,
                       pred = hospsize,          # main predictor/independent variable, for x-axis
                       modx = expcon,            # moderating independent variable, for different lines
                       interval = TRUE)

Look: We can make NASTY dynamite plots! DO NOT EVER USE THESE!

From the help menu: “Many applied researchers advise against this type of plot because it does not represent the distribution of the observed data or the uncertainty of the predictions very well.”

interactions::cat_plot(model = nurse_lmer_final,
                       pred = hospsize,          # main predictor/independent variable, for x-axis
                       modx = expcon,            # moderating independent variable, for different lines
                       interval = TRUE,
                       geom = "bar")

6.8.4 Post Hoc Pairwise Tests

When an interactions is between two categorical predictors, compare pairs of mean predictions.

nurse_lmer_final %>% 
  emmeans::emmeans(~ expcon | hospsize) %>% 
hospsize = small:
 contrast             estimate    SE   df t.ratio p.value
 control - experiment    1.545 0.196 21.9   7.898  <.0001

hospsize = medium:
 contrast             estimate    SE   df t.ratio p.value
 control - experiment    0.427 0.170 22.0   2.518  0.0196

hospsize = large:
 contrast             estimate    SE   df t.ratio p.value
 control - experiment   -0.392 0.294 22.2  -1.332  0.1964

Results are averaged over the levels of: gender, wardtype 
Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 

Interpretation: For hospitals that are small in size, the intervention does substantially decrease stress levels by 1.55 points, SE = 0.20, p <.001. For hospitals that are medium sizes, the intervention does decrease stress, but by a modest 0.43 points, SD = 0.17, p = .020. For large hospitals the intervention was not effective at reducing stress, p = .200.

6.8.5 Effect Sizes

From the help page for emmeans::eff_size:

For models having a single random effect, such as those fitted using lm; in that case, the stats::sigma() and stats::df.residual() functions may be useful for specifying sigma and edf.For models with **more than one random effect**,sigma` may be based on some combination of the random-effect variances.

Specifying edf can be rather un-intuitive but is also relatively un-critical; but the smaller the value, the wider the confidence intervals for effect size. The value of sqrt(2/edf) can be interpreted as the relative accuracy of sigma; for example, with edf = 50, \(\sqrt{\frac{2}{50}}\) = 0.2, meaning that sigma is accurate to plus or minus 20 percent. Note in an example below, we tried two different edf values as kind of a bracketing/sensitivity-analysis strategy. A value of Inf is allowable, in which case you are assuming that sigma is known exactly. Obviously, this narrows the confidence intervals for the effect sizes – unrealistically if in fact sigma is unknown. Compute Standardized Mean Differences

FIRST: We need to compute the values to standardize by…“Sigma”.

Option 1) Pooled SD <– My favorite

  • added all the model’s variance components
  • took the standard deviation
totalSD <- VarCorr(nurse_lmer_final) %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  dplyr::summarise(tot_var = sum(vcov)) %>% 
  dplyr::pull(tot_var) %>% 
[1] 0.8465793

Option 2) SD of all stress levels for all participants

data_nurse %>%  
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1        0.980

Option 3) SD of stress levels for participants in the control group

data_nurse %>% 
  dplyr::filter(expcon == "control") %>% 
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1        0.724

SECOND: We need to compute the numeric scalar that specifies the equivalent degrees of freedom for the sigma.

This is a way of specifying the uncertainty in sigma, in that we regard our estimate of sigma^2 as being proportional to a chi-square random variable with edf degrees of freedom. (edf should not be confused with the df argument that may be passed via … to specify the degrees of freedom to use in t statistics and confidence intervals.)

This value has an effect the SE and confidence intervals, which I suggest you do not report, so just throw any old number in there ;)

nurse_lmer_final %>% 
  emmeans::emmeans(~ expcon | hospsize) %>% 
  emmeans::eff_size(sigma = totalSD,        # which SD to divide by???
                    edf = 10)               # df  
hospsize = small:
 contrast             effect.size    SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 control - experiment       1.826 0.469 37.5    0.875    2.776

hospsize = medium:
 contrast             effect.size    SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 control - experiment       0.505 0.230 37.7    0.039    0.971

hospsize = large:
 contrast             effect.size    SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 control - experiment      -0.463 0.363 37.6   -1.198    0.272

Results are averaged over the levels of: gender, wardtype 
sigma used for effect sizes: 0.8466 
Degrees-of-freedom method: inherited from kenward-roger when re-gridding 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
nurse_lmer_final %>% 
  emmeans::emmeans(~ expcon | hospsize) %>% 
  emmeans::eff_size(sigma = totalSD, 
                    edf = 100)
hospsize = small:
 contrast             effect.size    SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 control - experiment       1.826 0.265 37.5   1.2894    2.362

hospsize = medium:
 contrast             effect.size    SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 control - experiment       0.505 0.204 37.7   0.0925    0.917

hospsize = large:
 contrast             effect.size    SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 control - experiment      -0.463 0.349 37.6  -1.1705    0.244

Results are averaged over the levels of: gender, wardtype 
sigma used for effect sizes: 0.8466 
Degrees-of-freedom method: inherited from kenward-roger when re-gridding 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

FULL INTERPRETATION: After accounting for the a nurses’ age, gender, and experience, as well as the ward type, the effect of the intervention is moderated by hospital size, F(2, 22) = 17.50, p < .001. For hospitals that are small in size, the intervention does substantially decrease stress levels by 1.55 points, SE = 0.20, p <.001, Cohen’s d = 1.83. For hospitals that are medium sizes, the intervention does decrease stress, but by a modest 0.43 points, SD = 0.17, p = .020, Cohen’s d = 0.51. For large hospitals the intervention was not effective at reducing stress, p = .200.

Adding more options:

                       pred = "hospsize",
                       modx = "expcon",
                       interval = TRUE,
                       y.label = "Estimated Marginal Mean Norse's Stress Score",
                       x.label = "Hospital Size",
                       legend.main = "Condition:",
                       modx.labels = c("Control", "Intervention"),
                       colors = c("gray40", "black"),
                       point.shape = TRUE,
                       pred.point.size = 5,
                       dodge.width = .3,
                       errorbar.width = .25,
                       geom = "line") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.key.width = unit(2, "cm"),
        legend.background = element_rect(color = "Black"),
        legend.position = c(1, 0),
        legend.justification = c(1.1, -0.1)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 10, by = 1)) Using sjPlot::plot_model()

All Defaults:

                   type = "pred", 
                   terms = c("hospsize", "expcon"))

Adding more options:

                   type = "pred", 
                   terms = c("hospsize", 
                             "expcon")) +
  labs(title = "Multilevel Modeling of Hospital Nurse Stress Intervention",
       subtitle = "Error bars display 95% Confidene Intervals",
       x = "Hospital Size",
       y = "Estimated Marginal Mean\nNorse's Stress Score",
       color = "Condition") +
  theme_bw() Using effects::Effect() and ggplot

Get Estimated Marginal Means - default ‘nice’ predictor values:

Focal predictors: All combinations of…

  • expcon categorical, both levels control and experiment
  • hospsize categorical, all three levelssmall , medium, large

Always followed by:

  • fit estimated marginal mean
  • se standard error for the marginal mean
  • lower lower end of the 95% confidence interval around the estimated marginal mean
  • upper upper end of the 95% confidence interval around the estimated marginal mean
effects::Effect(focal.predictors = c("expcon", "hospsize"),
                mod = nurse_lmer_final) %>% 
      expcon hospsize      fit        se    lower    upper
1    control    small 5.394485 0.1814379 5.038438 5.750532
2 experiment    small 3.849007 0.1808593 3.494096 4.203919
3    control   medium 5.324360 0.1572391 5.015800 5.632920
4 experiment   medium 4.897002 0.1567719 4.589358 5.204645
5    control    large 5.326344 0.2726473 4.791311 5.861377
6 experiment    large 5.718468 0.2717250 5.185245 6.251691
effects::Effect(focal.predictors = c("expcon", "hospsize"),
                mod = nurse_lmer_final) %>% 
      expcon hospsize      fit        se    lower    upper
1    control    small 5.394485 0.1814379 5.038438 5.750532
2 experiment    small 3.849007 0.1808593 3.494096 4.203919
3    control   medium 5.324360 0.1572391 5.015800 5.632920
4 experiment   medium 4.897002 0.1567719 4.589358 5.204645
5    control    large 5.326344 0.2726473 4.791311 5.861377
6 experiment    large 5.718468 0.2717250 5.185245 6.251691
effects::Effect(focal.predictors = c("expcon", "hospsize"),
                mod = nurse_lmer_final) %>% 
  data.frame()  %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = hospsize,
      y = fit,
      group = expcon,
      shape = expcon,
      color = expcon) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = fit  - se,      # mean plus/minus one Std Error
                    ymax = fit + se),
                width = .4,
                position = position_dodge(width = .2)) + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower,           # 95% CIs
                    ymax = upper),
                width = .2,
                position = position_dodge(width = .2)) + 
  geom_line(aes(linetype = expcon),
            position = position_dodge(width = .2)) +
  geom_point(size = 4,
             position = position_dodge(width = .2)) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Hospital Size",
       y = "Estimated Marginal Mean, Stress",
       shape    = "Condition",
       color    = "Condition",
       linetype = "Condition") +
  theme(legend.key.width = unit(2, "cm"),
        legend.background = element_rect(color = "black"),
        legend.position = c(0, 0),
        legend.justification = c(-0.1, -0.1))

This plot illustrates the estimated marginal means among male (gender’s reference category) nurses at the overall mean age (43.01 years), with the mean level experience (17.06 years), since thoes variables were not included as focal.predictors in the effects::Effect() function. Different values for those predictors would yield the exact sample plot, shifted as a whole either up or down.

6.9 Interpretation

There is evidence this intervention lowered stress among nurses working in small hospitals and to a smaller degree in medium sized hospitals. The intervention did not exhibit an effect in large hospitals.

6.9.1 Strength

This analysis was able to incorporated all three levels of clustering while additionally controlling for many co0-variates, both categorical (nurse gender and ward type) and continuous (nurse age and experience in years). Also heterogeneity was accounted for in terms of the intervention’s effect at various hospitals. This would NOT be possible via any ANOVA type analysis.

6.9.2 Weakness

The approach presented by Hox, Moerbeek, and Van de Schoot (2017) and shown above involved mean-centering categorical variables. This would only be appropriate for a factor with more than two levels if its effect on the outcome was linear. Also, as the mean-centered variables are treated as continuous variables, post hoc tests are increasingly difficult. That is why I did that in the final model.

6.10 Reproduction of Table 2.5

Hox, Moerbeek, and Van de Schoot (2017) presents a table on page 23 comparing various models. Note, that table includes models only fit via maximum likelihood, not REML. Also, the model \(M_3\): with cross-level interaction is slightly different for an unknown reason.

                custom.model.names = c("M0", "M1", "M2", "M3"),
                caption            = "Hox Table 2.5: Models for stress in hospitals and wards",
                caption.above      = TRUE,
                single.row         = TRUE)
Hox Table 2.5: Models for stress in hospitals and wards
  M0 M1 M2 M3
(Intercept) 5.00 (0.11)*** 5.40 (0.12)*** 5.39 (0.11)*** 5.39 (0.11)***
expconNG   -0.70 (0.12)*** -0.70 (0.18)*** -0.72 (0.11)***
age   0.02 (0.00)*** 0.02 (0.00)*** 0.02 (0.00)***
gender   -0.45 (0.03)*** -0.46 (0.03)*** -0.46 (0.03)***
experien   -0.06 (0.00)*** -0.06 (0.00)*** -0.06 (0.00)***
wardtypespecial care   0.05 (0.12) 0.05 (0.07) 0.05 (0.07)
hospsizeNG   0.46 (0.12)*** 0.46 (0.12)*** 0.46 (0.12)***
expconNG:hospsizeNG       1.00 (0.16)***
AIC 1950.36 1624.36 1597.48 1576.07
BIC 1969.99 1673.44 1651.47 1634.96
Log Likelihood -971.18 -802.18 -787.74 -776.03
Num. obs. 1000 1000 1000 1000
Num. groups: ward:hospital 100 100 100 100
Num. groups: hospital 25 25 25 25
Var: ward:hospital (Intercept) 0.49 0.33    
Var: hospital (Intercept) 0.16 0.10 0.15 0.15
Var: Residual 0.30 0.22 0.22 0.22
Var: ward.hospital (Intercept)     0.11 0.11
Var: hospital.1 expconNG     0.66 0.18
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05


  deviance(nurse_lmer_3_ml)) %>% 
[1] 1942.4 1604.4 1575.5 1552.1